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Old 12-25-2011, 12:38 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default Is it blow your head gasket upon first start?

Well... Again with the problems. Im starting to hate this car... Car never over heat before rebuild, or had any problems of a blown headgasket... But today, we go to change the oil because I had no oil psi, and the oil was creamy, and had a light surface rust on the piston walls. I tq. It down to 75, like I was told...because 58 was supossubly too low... Wtf did I do wrong? I vowed not to dump any more money into it if it doesnt leave my house in running condition atleast, but im really about to part it out . Help??? Thank you

1989 supra turbo-

uh-60 blackhawk... My life
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