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Old 01-04-2012, 07:33 AM   #7
walbro fp
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Originally Posted by mechrider89 View Post
ya the 420's, stay away from them!! take it you have a garage with all the essentials in it?
oh yes, i have a pretty well stacked garage, but im always amassing more tools. put the 420a in yesterday, ran for two minutes and puked oil everywhere. damn oil pump. chiltons specifically says you dont need to seal it, the o rings will do fine...shoulda got a factory service manual, which says to seal the piss out of it....

so i get to pull it, fix that, reinstall and try again...oh well at least it sounded good for two minutes.

just picked up the 92 talon the other day, it is CLEAN inside, and all there! everything looks great on it, im gonna replace the whole front body panel (except the bumper) and put a new core support on while i do the head. it is a very nice car for the 450 bux i spent. nice surprise under the hood too, someone did put on a small 16g, but its bone stock other than that. once were moved at the end of this month, i will be tearing into it and getting it running. i need to find a JDM cyclone intake manifold to put on later on.

hows the 5m coming along?? (to get back on subject, haha)
87 toyota 4x4 single cab short box pickup, 7MGZE.
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