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Old 01-15-2012, 06:23 PM   #4
3" Exhaust
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mechrider89 is on a distinguished road

well if you were to do it you'd have to swap the ECU, plus its a good idea to swap the injectors with a turbo models injectors, swap the manifold with a turbo one, put on the stock inter cooler setup off the turbo model, I'm not to knowledgeable on the supra's (more knowledgeable on DSM's) run all your oil and coolant lines. But like I said I don't know much about the supra's. I suggest looking around very thoroughly before attempting, I dont know if the bottom end and top end in the 7mge is relatively the same as the 7mgte. If it is possible then I suggest doing the conversion and running a low PSI because the transmission will more then likely be different between the two.

thats just my 2 cents but I'd follow what the more knowledgeable members are saying.
Officially joined the V-Dub club
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