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Old 01-18-2012, 03:20 AM   #4
Busted Knuckles
12psi boost
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I read the post, and think that guy is full of hurt bcs he bought a 20 year old N/A that was probably flogged to death and spent two years and a boatload of money just trying to get it back to what it was 20 years ago, which was not the Corvette killer he thought it was, definitely not the N/A. Comparing it to a Chevy P/U? That's just plain simmering hurt.

And his number one fault is a burgundy interior? This was the late 80's. Everyone had a car with a burgundy interior, Chevy, Caddy, Ford, everyone.

However, since we are talking about things on the MK-III that annoy, I have a few. The first is the impossible location of the top bolt on the starter. I had starter problems a couple of years ago, and wound up removing it and replacing it three times. Each time, I found a few new cuss words as I tried to remove and re-attach that damn bolt.

The second is the hole drilled into the actuator plate on the brake pedal for the brake light switch. I understand they needed to fasten a rubber button to the plate to keep the switch quiet, but if it falls out, the plunger fits right into that hole.

The third is the blind nut on the clutch master cylinder. High up and hidden by wiring and modules under the dash, this bolt is H-E-!-! to remove and replace. Extensions and swivels are your only hope of getting it off.

There, I've said it, and now I feel better.
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