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Old 01-25-2012, 09:43 PM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Seattle WA
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Mitch1jz is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by cre View Post
That doesn't indicate anything. A lot of oil get hung ip in various areas of the block and engine even when drained... hence the two different specs for "dry capacity" and "oil change capacity". It's not the easiest thing to check for if you're looking for a hairline fracture... Pour in UV dye, thread in a headbolt with teflon tape around the threads to prevent the dye from escaping through the top and tighten the bolt as much as you can (keep under the regular torque spec though).... let it sit for an hour and then use a blacklight to see if anything.

But really it's wasted effort; Oil isn't going to get in a fill a hole which was populated by a bolt... there's no room for the oil and it's too thick to press through a hairline fracture at even double the system's normal operating pressure.
Ok cool thanks
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