Thread: Code 51
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:41 PM   #1
12psi boost
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: fort myers florida
Posts: 345
pandrade is on a distinguished road
Default Code 51

I know there are a few of these threads around and i hate to cluter up the threads but i just got code 51 about 2 weeks ago. car was running fine but now the idle sits about 1,200-1,500 i cleaned the sencor whitch electrical parts cleaner and it helped for about a day but im still geting the code, i know i should replace the sencor but is there any aftermarket one that is a bit cheaper priced than one at advanced auto that will not compromise anything. my biggest concern is that since it idles higher i can let it spool down for a few minits but its still higher rpms than i would like to turn the car off at, dont want to prematurly wear the turbo bearings down

While im in there is there anyother part that afects my idel i should replace and or clean
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