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Old 01-26-2012, 11:28 PM   #4

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I believe I already have a decent picture of the incident and how the sum of the damage was incurred. I'm not going to offer any specific legal advice, but I've fought a few tickets and had them readily dismissed. It's always most dependent upon your ability to collect information from all available sources and provide enough reason for the court to question the officer's testimony. Presenting a good clean image of both one's self and the situation is critical as well as being prepared to very clearly rationalize and answer any questions asked by the court and DA should you opt to testify. The testimony of others involved in the accident (especially the opposite party, if there was one) often proves helpful so long as their testimony is well directed... Not always possible but it's a total killer for the DA when it is managed.

If you are under 30 and in risk of losing your license over this I strongly advise you to at least consult with (if not retain) an attorney; The same goes if there was any alcohol or other questionable substance involved whether you believe you were under the limit, the substance is legal (such as prescription drugs) or that your were operating with a clear state of mind. Knowing more information about the magistrate presiding over the court in which your case will be heard is invaluable. You may be able to find out their name via the court clerk's office and then research their leaning in similar cases. May I ask if there was another party involved?

I agree with Ranma, my wife's '89 Accord is a snail but it'll still do 75 in a 45.... just takes a LOT longer to get there.

I'm sorry you lost your vehicle and I sincerely hope that any and all parties involved were unharmed.

Good luck with it.
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