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Old 01-27-2012, 04:22 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: mn
Posts: 2
bigtoyz is on a distinguished road

I have an '85 factory supra wiring manual and I think have marked all the wires needed to be a stand alone EFI system. The factory harness is spread out on my floor waiting for me to start. I was just wondering if there is anyone here who has attempted it before with some advise as to what works and what doesn't. Once I start in theres no putting it back. I have installed aftermarket EFI and body harnesses but have never removed the EFI portion out of a complete factory harness. Am I better off transplanting the whole harness or is this not that difficult? Doesn't appear to be. I've read about 5m into pickup swaps and was hoping for a little advise/suggestion as to how they did it. Anyone????
Thank you
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