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Old 01-27-2012, 06:30 AM   #9
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Lavonia
Posts: 49
professorbob is on a distinguished road
Default Over Rich and Dropping of at 2200 rpm.

Dropped the header just enough to ease out the gasket. Did not seem to be crushed.. Starter the car and let it warm a few minutes.
The engine did not start instantly. It required about four tries. Each time I move the switch back to off and waited a second. Each time the attempt to start was better until it kicked off.
It immediately went into warmup mode and after a few minutes dropped back to the normal idle position.
Each time I would accelerate through about 2200 rpm the engine would stop and allow rpm to drop about half before increasing again. Holding the accelerator at the same position would cause the increase and stop again and again.
Very rich condition exist with huge amounts of black smoke coming out the header. I do not believe that there is anything wrong with the exhaust system.
I do wonder about the gasket thickness in that it does not seem to be able to keep the tube from the down pipe sealed when it is bolted up against the header. Just wonder is there is one slightly thicker to stop the leakage. However, the one just removed was installed new at the last install.
Would the be considered a fail safe mode? If so what conditions exist to cause the computer to create this condition.
Would the transmission inputs cause this?
What about the fuel pressure regulation?
Am quite frustrated with not being able to determine what is causing this issue.
Finally I have a slight amount antifreeze dripping down the back side of the block. Just wonder how to make sure the hoses are tight enough.

Any help is appreciated.
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