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Old 01-28-2012, 05:57 AM   #13
Join Date: Nov 2007
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professorbob is on a distinguished road
Default TPS Throttle Position Sensor check..

I ohm ed out the TPS. The throttle stop screw is not touching the rocker and there is about 1/16 inch of distance between the two in the completely closed position. The stop screw is seated against what I believe is the dash-pot diaphragm though.
The value is within speck in the completely closed but I was unable to set the feeler gauge for the two lower settings.
However the WOT Wide Open Throttle position has two reading and one is way out of scale.
I am wondering if this may be a contributing factor.
I expect at this point it would be OK to reinstall the header gasket to be able to operate the engine to establish another code set. I cleared the codes by pulling the DOME 20 fuse.
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