A silly project, but what the hell...
A couple spray nozzles, can of compressed air or CO2 and a tank of water. I think water would give you away as soon as you've got more than a teaspoon running dripping off the car. I'd suggest alcohol but not only would that give you away because of the smell, but it would be more beneficial to forego the effect show and run that into the intake. You'd probably want to set up the system so that it sprayed about 50% liquid and about 50% compressed gas to ensure that the water/alcohol came out in a VERY fine mist... Like a paint gun.
Personally, I'd skip it and invest that hardware into a custom intercooler mister.
Running the pump to a relay driven by a comparator connected to the TPS and a tacho-relay may help with creating a realistic effect; It'll defnitely help with genuine functionality if you go the IC sprayer route.
EDIT: Filling your air tank with part air and part water isn't going to work.
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Last edited by cre; 02-07-2012 at 03:43 AM.