I suppose it is worth mentioning that there were a number of changes made to the electrical system throughout the '89 model year. Pretty much all of the components are cross compatible but most have different plugs, the wire harness changed, the external HAC sensor was built into the ECU, the ECUs are different (many different models actually but the only significant difference it the redline depending on wether the engine has a 6M or 7M crank). The AFM and TPS connectors are the same as are all of the temp sensors and the oil pressure sender, the CPS is different and you wouldn't be able to plug it in and the wrong TPS will plug in but the interface tabe will be clocked 90? differently than the tabs on the throttlebody. The significant differences in ECU are highlighted by the harness connector colors.... Basically, if plugs and connectors are yellow it'll work and if they're both grey it'll work.
Again, it doesn't sound like any of this is the case with your vehicle.
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