I'm in agreement. I generally run platinums as I do prefer the flexibility to change them just every few oil changes... they're what the car's came with and they're cheap enough.
I'm not a fan of double platinum and so forth.... it's just a waste. I've never seen any that double platinums last any longer than regular and while iridiums may last longer it's still a good idea to remove them every couple oil changes to read for signs of engine problems.
The newest boutique spark plugs, wires and oil additives, etc. aren't going to net any significant power increase in a HEALTHY, even moderately built engine; There is also a lot of conjecture that certain designs may actually cause problems as it alters the dynamics of the flame front and heat profile within the fuel charge. Generally, I feel that if you swap in spark plugs (which look more like the contents of the new post-modern, mixed media exhibit at the art museum) and you believe you're getting significant improvement then it's more likely that you've just covered up another problem/deficit (such as a weak igniter, coils or corroded grounds).
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