The stock 1UZ injectors flow around 250cc/min.... NOWHERE near what even the 7M-GE's injectors flow. The 1UZ also uses high impedance/'saturated' injectors where the 7M-GTE uses low impedance/'peak and hold'. Actually, the 7M-GE's '89+ injectors are an upgrade for the 1UZ; '89+ GE injectors (with the green top) are high impedance.
The ELECTRONICS within the 7M-GTE and 1UZ-FE KVAFM are the SAME and may be interchanged.
The HOUSING of the two KVAFMs are different. The 1UZ's flows about 25% more unmetered air. As this air is unmetered and the ECU has no way of knowing that it needs to provide additional fuel to match the airflow.... Hence the REQUIREMENT for larger injectors; It's not an option.
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