Two different things. There is the turbo gasket which sits between the turbo and the elbow, the gasket between the elbow and down pipe, There is the manifold gasket and the gasket between header and turbo, the gasket for the cooling flange and the gasket for the oil lines.... then there's the rebuild kit for the parts INSIDE the turbo... The rebuild kits for just the turbo and the kits which include the other gaskets are not $10 to $30.
Toyota does want a good deal of money for everyone of these... If you're not getting a shop discount you're looking at an MSRP of about $70 for ONLY the gasket between turbo and elbow.
Their quote may not be out of line, but they're not shopping where you'd like for them to OR they're talking about replacing more than you think... Ask them to clarify.
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