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Old 02-22-2012, 03:40 PM   #25
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by cre View Post
Yeah! Another thread COMPLETELY DERAILED!

How long were you living there? Or did you just manage to spend enough time traveling there to qualify? When I was younger, even if just visiting on a regular basis there's no way I could have ever managed a gold endorsement... Hell, I probably wouldn't have graduated beyond green. But, I'm older and wiser now (Don't get me wrong, I'm not THAT old).
Laughs you would of done well. Oh I have lived there for a number of years but my job is here in America. I lived in Okinawa and Kanagawa. Discovered to my joy my Japanese license can be used in Australia and the UK.

I was just trying to put things in context and show that the Supra was an odd duck for Japan. My Supra in Japan had a GA70 engine and a automatic. It was a slug compared to my current Supra.

So what can I do to get an little extra power. Though I spun the tires in the first 3 gears over the weekend. Not long after that a policeman showed up, wonders if there is a connection
1986 Mk III MA70 7MGE Targa Top 5 Speed Stock Exhaust
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