Yes, a tripped alarm will cause this... BUT it's hard to miss the alarm not going off every time before you find the car won't start. A bad starter-kill relay would be more likely. Is the factory alarm getting set off? Either way if any part of the alarm is to blame the engine will not turn over at all (the same for a bad starter solenoid and clutch safety switch). If it trues to turn over, then this is not likely to play any role in your problem.
Check out the thread about the resetting/deleting the stock alarm and also look at the FAQ about checking for diagnostic error codes in the ECU. They're both in the MKIII FAQ section.
EDIT: The next time this happens try locking the car back up, wait for the stock alarm to arm and then unlock the car via the trunk or the passenger side door. If this works then the issue is the disarm switch in the driver's side lock.
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Last edited by cre; 03-11-2012 at 10:51 PM.