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Old 03-27-2012, 04:59 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Hayward
Posts: 84
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Angry SO STUMPED! starting problem, help pls..

Aite I brought me 92' turbo wit stick for only $800 already knew it not going to run..
Im tryin to start it front of the yard and say sucker to them that I got it to running condition. But all I keep gettin backfires, smokes sometime white but black mostly time in back of exhaust, and vacuum hoses behind the engine next to the EGR keepin pop apart when crankin engine.

The pix; I was removing the spark plugs and cleaning up the oil all over the place the galley, didn't work out..
I had the wire-sets in correct places, found loose wire to starter from battery n tighten it, had adjusted my timing belt back to correct tooth at TDC and the belt is in new condition. I tired starting fluid, but I keep gets nothing just cranking so I knows the fuel pump works and starter too because I felt the starter bolt was HOT then I tighten it, then starter become hot means it's getting right connection, checked all fuses; all is good.. I had a new battery full charged I used it for my van with no PROBLEM, even I jumped the supra and ALL IS SAME RESULT just rollover until i let go the clutch, yea the CPS is GREAT! wow, I'm stumped.
if wondering about voltage drops, nope it keep coming back to 12v means ALT is great too!!
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92' 7mgte MT st8 bakcat

Last edited by DawgB0; 03-27-2012 at 06:35 AM.
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