There may be vacuum line problems but the code 41 and code 51 are going screw with throttle state transitions (ie: the ECU cant's tell that you're flooring it until it's been floored for a few seconds already and it has a difficult time knowing when it's supposed to start modulating the ISCV for proper idle). The code 24 is going to screw with your fuel mixtures. While code 51 could just be an alignment issue the code 41 indicates damage in the TPS or its wiring.
I don't entirely understand your question about the head gasket. Yes, there is a ledge which protrudes out from under the head on the driver's side. It's supposed to be there. What else are you asking?
If something breaks or you need to contact a member of the administration please post HERE. Unless it's a private or administration matter please post it on the forum. It benefits no one else if car related questions aren't posted for future users and takes away from the time I'm able to spend helping on the rest of the forum.
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