Thanks for the input! I'll post pics tomorrow when I get a chance. More info:
Haven't changed head gasket.
I did compression test a while ago, though I'm not sure if I did it correctly. At least 2 cylinders were under 100 psi as I recall. The car was running decent at the time, smooth idle and no stalling or anything.
Haven't checked spark plugs in a while, though they were changed about a year or so ago. They were changed after I had found oil in a couple of the spark plug wells (middle pair and rear pair of plug's wells). I added oil plug gaskets where the #3 cylinder head gasket was and it stopped the leak into those wells.
Last time I checked codes about 6 months ago, there were no codes coming up.
I figure I'll probably post it on Craigslist and here for $1500 and see how it goes...
Thanks for your input, CRE. I've been reading your insightful posts for years and have learned much about these cars through your postings...
MKIII 7M-GTE stock