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Old 04-23-2012, 01:11 PM   #2
12psi boost
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: fort myers florida
Posts: 345
pandrade is on a distinguished road

What are you goals for the car. Ex auto x or drag, what bhp are you looking for. If you have a factory 7m gte why swap it out a 7m has 500cc's more. Yes the 1j might have more out of the box power but those 500 cc's will play into an equation but it all depends on you goals.

Obviously you need a motor that hasn't been abused, a tranny( I don't know if the r154 would hook up no problems, iv never done this swap) maby A different drive line. If your set on a swap you should rebuild the motor whith a mhg and what ever upgrades since you got the motor out and appart
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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