Originally Posted by Joefishizzle
Okay so codes 21, 31, and 51
21 - I have a brand new o2 sensor
.....so im not sure there
Well, I'm not there to look at it for you so get your ass moving and do what makes sense (inspect the connector, wiring, sensor for crap stuck to ir, rattling noises when turned, bad gasket).
Originally Posted by Joefishizzle
31 - is the afm correct? Now I've read the FAQ section on adjusting. However when you say the screw has to be a certain distance you mean from the top of the screw to the top of the housing or ? I could use some more insight on this one.
There was another part in that thread which said NEVER TOUCH THIS SCREW! That thread is only there so you can reset the screw is someones f'ed with it. At any rate, even if someone f'ed up the fuel mixture by dicking around with stuff like an idiot it still wouldn't cause a code 31. RTFM for diagnostics on the AFM.