Thread: Lexus afm
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Old 04-28-2012, 03:31 AM   #12

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I posted this in the wrong thread earlier:

Honestly you don't even really need the Lex AFM if you've got 550 injectors and an AFC. It's not bad, allows things to move more freely pre-turbo. But not needed. Keeping things on the cheap there are two scenarios (sorry for not covering this *again* sooner... I've covered this many times):

1) 550cc/min injectors + Lex AFM + tuning via stock or extended trim screw (if needed). I dislike this as the trim screw blindly adjust the entire range and you may only need to tweak fueling for idle and end up having to sacrifice elsewhere (for better or perhaps for worse).

2) 550cc/min injectors + AFC + tuning (-15% "main scale" and then tuning to improve over stock tune).

3) Would be a combination of all of the above. On the AFM you'd keep the stock screw in place or open it as much as you can for easier breathing and then you'd just have to adjust the fueling with the AFC (but no "main scale" adjustment).

As cheap as you can acquire a first generation Apex'i SAFC I see no reason for tuning with the AFM's bypass calibration screw.... It's not precise, too broad and well, old school crap.
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