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Old 05-03-2012, 09:56 PM   #2
12psi boost
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: fort myers florida
Posts: 345
pandrade is on a distinguished road

tourqing it down will ensure you car lives untill you can get the studs and new HG. if there is any leaks torquing them might hide and prevent damadge ( remind you this is only a band aid not a solution) i would buy a good quality meatal head gasket whith the arp studs and torqu them down to proper setting useing the proper lubs for this application and use the proper sequence to take the head off and on . also clean the deck and heads while also making shure the head has not become warped,

this is all covered in the mk3 FAQ'S there would be a good place to look for further help
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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