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Old 05-04-2012, 01:55 PM   #11
3" Exhaust
Join Date: May 2011
Location: New Albany, Ohio
Posts: 53
fastsupra is on a distinguished road

When I purchased the car, it already had new injectors installed.

I guess the reason I wanted that turbo was because of the quick spool valve. I already have the AEM Fuel Management System I didn't realize I didn't have to get a standalone for 650whp. I am currently running a Southbend Stage 3 clutch.

So then if I want to do 650whp, should I go with a 67mm turbo then like in the kit you sent me?

With that kit I will have to also buy a full fuel system then? Can you send me a link to a good system along with anything else I might need?
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