Originally Posted by btwilson86
I had a 87 N/A auto that used to stall out at lights, turned out to be a combination of vacuum leaks, vacuum lines routed improperly, and a TPS out of adjustment. I'd check those 3, in that order. I'd also get that alternator load tested, because that sounds like it could be part of your dying problem. Also make sure your battery connections are tight and corrosion free
I see yeah I thought vacuum lines might be off but the sticker under good for diagram was unreadable and I'm.having a hard time locating all of the lines using the tsrm... also, I think the vsv is missing it was in the glove box does that impact performance? How would a noob like me go about setting the tps right? Thanks for the help
as for the alternator, the test I did doesn't prove that its functioning right? How would o test it for sure?