The MAF-T has trim potentiometers for low, mid and high signals inside of the unit. It's just for tweaking subtle offsets and it's resolution is poor. You are best off not considering it a tuning device of any sort... Keep the SAFC for that. If you must tune with the MAF-T's pots (for whatever reason), tune those first to set the mainscale and then tune with the SAFC.
The GM MAF will go in place of your KVAFM. You will need adapters to make it fit. I suspect a 3" MAF will fit the best. I think any larger is overkill for your application. The size of the MAF will affect your fuel cut.
FPD = Fuel Pulsation Damper. Basically it's a simple FPR used to reduce noise in the fuel rail... removes oscillations in fuel pressure which the FPR doesn't. It's on the backside of the fuel rail, looks like a FPR without the vacuum port, has a grey plastic cap and under that is just a tiny screw. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREW!!!!!!!!!!! This is NOT a user serviceable part. A bad FPD will cause symptoms similar to a bad FPR.
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