Thread: 7mgte Swap!
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Old 05-10-2012, 09:46 PM   #4
12psi boost
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: fort myers florida
Posts: 345
pandrade is on a distinguished road

i dont know of any sites that are trustworth for whole motors, since iv never needed there services iv never looked them up. Iv always checked any website if im speending anything over 10$ online i would check whith the Better Business Bureau to give me a referance of " they look legite but im not shure" so useing there site usualy helps sway my opinions.

if your geting another motor to trade i would just buy the extra and keep the old one as to rebuild ( or race build motor A) and leave your factory(motor B) one alone. this ensures you still have a daily driver and, when your race motor is built and ready to go you can simply install and be on your way. if the race motor blows you have your ol reliable factory rebuilt one ready to drop in. why pay to swap a 20 year old motor for another 19year old motor

but thats what i would like to do but i would need DEEP pockets for that. you could always try your local junk yard and hope they have another 7mgte lyeing around, for me its kinda easy since i live near miami and tampa
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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