Originally Posted by fastsupra
Ok sweet Im going to have to put in a full tank of race fuel and feel the power
One last thing about octane and boost, when I run my methanol injection kit with 93 octane gas in my tank, about what octane will my fuel be? Like on your chart you posted, how much boost would I be able to run?
I'll assume this is the kit you're planning to run:
I'll also assume you're planning to run EITHER:
- A 50-50 mix of pure Torco methanol and distilled water
Snow Performance "Boost Juice"
HOWEVER, even knowing those variables, all I can do is give you a decent guess. My best guess is that you'll be fine up to about 22psi...which is about a 'net' 100 MON. Please only take this as a rough estimate, and carefully tune your max boost with the methanol kit, ideally using data logging from your knock sensors. When you figure out the exact answer, please post back here - I'm very curious!
Lastly, I'd also recommend you mix something like this with the methanol+water: