I've heard a lot about this and i need a few answers lol... first of all i know that the head gasket is the weak spot of the supra engines, the questions are, can you fix it yourself ?, is it easy ?, should it take a few days, weeks ?... cause when i heard blown head gasket i thought,"MEH", 240 bucks CDN for a metal HKS headgasket and another like 100 bucks CDN for some head studs and then tada!... take off the head, polish it up put on the new gasket and tighten it all up, sounded easy and cheap to me but i'm hearing like a fucking 2000 dollar CDN fee for this repair, which is rediculouse considering i'm only paying like 4000 dollars for the car, i hear that the stock torque specs on the bolts are around 58 pbs and that 72pbs or around there would be better and that they should be retorques every 10 000 km or something like that, if any one can settle this issue for me that would be greatly appreciated, i pretty much want to know what i need to do it myself and if i even can do it myself i mean with a few friends to help out ofcoarse, like do i need to lift out the engine ?,,, stuff like that, thanx guys get back to me

... byes...