Code 51 won't cause the check engine light to appear under except while the ECU is in diagnostic mode. Improper TPS calibration will not cause a code 41 either.
Have you tested the wire harness? I would inspect and clean the ECU grounds and grounds from the battery. Test the alternator. Test the Vc pin at the ECU, the TPS, and the AFM connector; It should read 4.8v or so when the ignition is in the "on" position.
The ECU is still a possibility but unless you've got a known good one you can swap in to test with I wouldn't spend money on one without testing as much as possible first... Start with the cheap stuff or this car will sink you financially.
EDIT: Clear codes by removing the EFI fuse in the engine bay fuse box for 10 seconds or more.
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Last edited by cre; 05-17-2012 at 06:25 AM.