thanks cre for the speedy response, well i didn't do anything after the code came on. just parked it and went into work since i didn't have time to mess with it. came back after i was off and drove it code. hmmm.....well anyways while i was at work i decided to splurge and buy a new AFM since currently i work at a parts distributor and scored a reman one for 100 bucks out the door!

way better than buying retail from vatozone, same part too!.
I went home with no codes on, installed the new AFM. started the car and wow what a difference. no more crazy surging idle. however the idle was up too 1500 and steady, so i re adjusted the tps and knock on wood the car has been running great the past day or so at about 700 to 800 steady idle. i will keep up on this and let you know if more codes continue under driving.