FUCK!!! IS THAT MOTHERFUCKIN BHG!? (i drain few oil out, bam i c dat uglyness oil) AND BROKEN C.C.!? all those pieces came out of exhaust as i tried to start it then finally got it started not alot of steam bt few of them lik puffs bt i still can see blue, how ever engine shut off hella smoke in engine bay both side, i bet turbo is steamin water off from me filling the heater core n another side the fuckin starter burnt the shit out of itself! N i already suspect exhaust gas in coolant or dirtness.. to be honest before i flushed coolant i never had bubble, lose any coolant, changed oil, all black now dark chocolate wtf.. to be honest oh lord wat hell goin on wit my choices of vehicles!? I want to fix at less a car to running conition without much more problems