Remember how I said I was asking nicely?
Ur in college and know English. Funny your little rant was ez to understand. See, you can do anything you put your mind to. I can't tell you how to speak and I don't think it'll be right to moderate your thread because of your ignorance. But you have been asked politely once and constructively a second time. Continue to butcher your posts as you see fit. But it only shows your lack of intelligence. With that said I doubt you'll find any further assistance here from any of the older members. Good luck with your problem. I'm sure that since your studying it in college the answer will come up sooner or later.
Oh and asking people to decipher your lines of jibberish to help you answer a question. Is the same as asking people to press 1 for English. It pisses us off.
Last edited by Green7mgte; 05-26-2012 at 08:21 PM.