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Old 05-27-2012, 06:53 PM   #1
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Question Defcon schematic anyone?

Got a weird question. Long story short, I have a pile of Defcon hardpipes, blue couplers, t-bolts, clamps, etc. and I have no idea where most of them go (they weren't taken off by me, so I :can't: go by memory. The obvious one is the one that replaces the "3000 pipe" and where my Greddy BOV mounts. The rest is a mystery. If :anyone: has any pictures or schematics, that'd be great. Oh and it mounts to a Spearco Intercooler (which was also also removed from the car and has nothing mounted to it). There's one pipe in particular (about a little over a ft. long) with a two has a hose attached to it..i'll try and include a picture. If :anyone: can tell me what this is and what it attaches to, i'll be forever grateful. Thanks in advance and feel absolutely free to email me directly.. and it's a '90 turbo (obviously)/targa, auto if that helps. ~Mike PS) If i'm able to, i'll attach the one and only picture I have of Defcon pipes attached to (a Spearco?) an intercooler (it's from the bottom looking up!)!!
Attached Thumbnails
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Views:	334
Size:	296.5 KB
ID:	4570   Click image for larger version

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Views:	340
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ID:	4571  
"Speed Doesn't Kill, Impact Does"

'90 Turbo/Targa, Auto, black/maroon leather. Garden variety mods (will detail later) including the "sitting in the driveway" mod.
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