i think most of it is a crap shoot.. you put the bends and elbows in were you need them.. I don't have replacement pipes so I cant tell you how I ran mine. But I did ask this question before when I was thinking about it. So I bet an answer is buried somewhere in the archive.. ill see what I can dig up.
you said it was taken off and now you want to put it back on? so if you had to cut any holes they would already be there..
eddit.. I lied. I found my post but it wasn't helpful in the slightest.
when you buy a universal kit they really don't come with instructions.. its more just about finding what works and putting it together. You can Google some images tho, to help give you an Idea of what other people done.
Last edited by Green7mgte; 05-28-2012 at 01:48 PM.