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Old 06-02-2012, 12:18 AM   #13
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nothing wrong with a 7m but i t was only designed to push so much power and hold so much compression. there is just alot of things not designed to hold the rpms and power. lets start with the rods. ive seen alot of stretched rod bolts and bearing failures in stock 7m engines.
all im saying is why not start with an engine that was already designed to hold a higher power output.
agreed on the fact that inline engines are good. ive had many myself. but my 5mge and 7mge's that i have had use more fuel and make less power than most of the v8s ive had.
i just no longer see the point.
1984 supra - 1uzfe - w58 - 4.10 - 1 piece aluminum shaft.
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