It'll vary depending on the shop and region. I don't think that quote's out of line but you should always get three quotes if you don't have prior experience with a shop or a certain high dollar repair. You'll probably get quotes ranging from $700 up to as much as $1100 if you really ask around. I think that $1000+ is excessive and $700 is a bit low.
Before you spend any money on the clutch, have you inspected the slave cylinder and the fluid levels? It'd suck to pay all that and find out you just needed a $20 rebuild kit.
I don't know the measurements but there is only one clutch disk for the 7M-GTE. All other variants have been superseded by part number 31250-14186. If they're talking about the difference between the GTE and GE clutches well, the GTE uses the larger disc but I'd be leery if they (or their vendor) don't have that information.
I probably should just delete that other thread... No point in leaving it if it's just a confused mess with no helpful info.
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