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Old 10-17-2005, 01:08 AM   #30
flight doc89
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Tuscaloosa, AL
Posts: 53
flight doc89 is on a distinguished road

I learned to drift in an 88 turbo supra. I've been drifting with a couple of friends, and they have to feint or pop the clutch and the car drifts alright. In my supra, I just give it a light feint and stomp the gas and it drifts REALLY well. You have to be careful though (and this may be common to most drifters, for all I know), because if you don't get the car to drift and you're already commited to the turn, you HAVE to keep the gas up and hope that you clear it.
While I was learning to drift my 88 supra, I tried to drift a 90 degree corner on some backroads, and I didn't feint hard enough; my tires spun for a split second, then grabbed. I kept the wheel over and let off the gas (here was my mistake). My front tires just slipped and I ended up in the ditch. Luckily, there was plenty of grass for me to get back on the road. I went back and practiced there, repeating the same situation, and figured out that if I stayed on the gas, it pulled through every time, but that if I braked or let off the gas, I slid.
This may just be my heavy-!@# car at work, or it may be common to most cars; I honestly don't know. I hope that this was informative.
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