Stp the presses! got it! was: it is Running perfect cold, then bogs etc
So after getting the timing right, the thing (7mGE) fired right up, idled perfect, reved up nice, sounded great. after 10 minutes of running however, as it got to operating temp, the idle went away, and if you gassed it it bogged. and it will eventually die. will not restart when it is hot. let it cool, and it fires right up and runs good!
So what do I look for now guys?
Fast Forward 1 hour!
Ok guys, after much deep thought and multiple throttle monkeys climbing all over the car, nothing seemed to help. So given that, and we were out of options, we did the unthinkable:
we put fuel in the car! Hadn't fueled it since the last race - so with a can of fuel in it, wow - the magic cure all!
So Cre and Brian Wilson (BTW - I thought you were dead!) You both have earned the opportunity ! so our race is this weekend, but the next one looks to be at Thunderhill raceway, Mid september, in northern california, a couple of hours north of sacramento. If you guys want to, and get there, we will put you in the car for practice day on friday. If you show you understand that you are driving a stret car that has to last for 24 hours, we will put you in the car for a stint or 2 in the race, 170 cars, 2.5 miles, door to door mayhem!
You are both welcome anytime on our team! thanks for the help!
Carl Johansson
Retired Kamakazi Pilots Associiation
Johansson Brothers Racing!
Last edited by carl johansson; 06-27-2012 at 11:34 PM.
Reason: More Info