CanadianBak'inSupra is the guys to listen to man, I'm still very much new to the supra so I'm not the best guy to ask hahaha.

But higher compression pistons shouldn't cause the engine to be unreliable, might have more HG failures because of more stress on the HG then what its designed to take which could be solved possibly by torquing it tighter.
I went out sliding the supra last night (couldn't help it!

) and after coming out of my first drift the engine died out...... never had that happen! My gut feelings saying more and more that my HG has failed. White smoke when its rev'd (weird there's none when idling), sluggish rev and I don't get how but there's what has to be coolant seeping out of the exhaust manifold gasket on to the header, yet I've looked all around the bottom of the head and found no leaks, its definitely coolant seeping out of the exhaust gasket because i'm going through coolant. So I'm thinking its most likely failed in two spots on the exhaust side (cylinder 2 and 4), but what I don't get its why it only smokes when rev'd shouldn't it smoke at idle to?. I've topped it up the coolant started it up and watched to see if it started to bubble and nothing.... so I might have to pull the plugs and borrow the inspection camera from work and take a peek to see if there's coolant in the cylinders.