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Old 06-28-2012, 03:59 AM   #3
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by Mk2guy View Post
Ya, I heard that aluminum react with steel. something about electrons not matching and causing galvanic corrosion, which is rust I think.

Let us know how it goes though. I can talk you through the timing bit. That is easy. I would set everything at 0, on the compression stroke first, before you start the tear down. It is hard, but it's not a nightmare. I had to replace the pulley on mine. eveything was bad on mine. I spent $1500 on parts this year alone. $700 on parts the year before. Ya, your way ahead of me. Don't worry.
Lol well you can afford parts, I'm just trying to keep it fixed so I can do a dd swap. I'd like to push the talon out of my carport so I could work in a sheltered area, but my whole engine bays stripped paint and all and I don't want it to rust!
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