Originally Posted by Ranma
...Really, I want to know like where can a person drive 160 miles per hour in the USA besides a track?
That has nothing to do with my point. What "
I want to know" is if 154mph is really that much safer than 156mph. If not, then why is bypassing the speed limiter all that relevant either way? Common sense and solid defensive driving skills should be what keeps motorcycles from smashing into SUVs, and not electronic speed limiters (or lack thereof). This is a serious point; I'm not trying to be funny at all.
Also, note that Simon/
2jzPower never said he'd be using the limiter bypass on the street.
Originally Posted by Ranma
...Oh beware of the Japanese spec cars, they do not meet US safety standards and in very real ways not Bravo Sierra.
Please tell us more.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
Lastly, please note that not all modifications posted online are safety issues.
Some of the modifications detailed by our Supra community are to correct factory issues (ones that *should* have warranted a recall instead of a superceeded replacement part in the catalog). For example:
Some of them help owners fix common maintenance issues:
Sorry to hear "the brat" messed up your Supra's pedals.