Absolutely drain the oil no matter how you go about pulling the pan. You need CLEAN, DRY surfaces for the FIPG to seal well or you'll be leaking again in no time. What else you need to drain depends on how you go about pulling the pan. I would save yourself a lot of headache and just drain all the oil and coolant from the beginning. Then disconnect the radiator hoses, unbolt the A/C compressor and P/S pump, disconnect the exhaust down pipe at any point before the cat, raise the engine as much as you can (watch that you don't crush any of the heater hoses or damage any of the wiring that runs along the firewall), lower the cross member and pull the pan. It's a crap job and I think if I had to do it again I might just pull the whole engine instead.
PS, Don't use a gasket! Just get some Toyota FIPG, Honda's FIPG is quite good too, or some "Right Stuff" and seal it as specified in Toyota's service manual.
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