Thread: Parts Car Fun
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Old 08-13-2012, 01:38 PM   #9
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by 907mge View Post
Yeah it was rusty. Mk3s tend to rust in hidden places. Just to start each rear wheel well has a hole big enough to put a fist through. But don't hate me, hate the long line of back yard mechanics that try to "fix" them. The red tube on the intake is made from a fire extinguisher. They replaced a fender brace with a wooden dowel and electrical tape. And the front bumper with just make you laugh. Plus it has 250K on it.
Fair enough, can you take some pictures of the rust? My guy in Japan was rusting in the area of the spare tire. It was the reason he stayed in Japan and was scrapped. You have to love these cars to keep them. Soon enough a stripped down frame will be worth money. Wonders how many are left? Can tell you they are rare in Japan.
1986 Mk III MA70 7MGE Targa Top 5 Speed Stock Exhaust
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