Well since I had the day off I figured what the hell why not work on the supra. So I got working on taking the head off, started at 12 pm and it took me till 3pm to finish. I thought that's not to bad a time for it being the first 5m I've worked on, big thanks to Canadianbak'n for posting the TSRM link for me (along with all the other help

To late to take it to the machine shop today so it'll be going tomorrow instead. When I got to taking the cylinder head off it was the moment of truth for me, and boy did it go in my favor! The pistons and cylinder walls are in great shape, can still see all the cross thatching from being honed. The top end looked just as good as the bottom end as well, I feel my spirits being lifted slightly now!
Will take some pics in a bit for you guys to look at.

Block got a pep talk....its a dsm thing

little before machine shop pics

all my cylinders looked like this so that's a plus
Forgot to say that I did a compression test before cylinder head removal and here's the results (dry test only):
#1- 170 psi
#2- 167 psi
#3- 170 psi
#4- 140 psi cylinder 4 and 6 are where I could see the HG had failed, cylinder 4 had the biggest failure
#5- 170 psi
#6- 150 psi