Are the injector's grounded at the correct location and is the ground clean and sound?
I've had issues like this on a couple MKIIIs and it's always something different. Wiring harness, CPS drive gear installed 180? out after a rebuild or on a new (reman) unit, igniter and coil pack grounds were the issue in all of those cases.
You can measure the timing of the injectors against the crank pulley with a timing light. If you don't have an adjustable it's just a light show and you have to guess what the timing is but nonetheless if the injectors aren't getting power or don't have a good ground you shouldn't see anything. You just connect the pickup to the injector's wiring clip, shine the light on the markings on the balancer and while someone cranks you watch for a consistent pattern. I think you'll be looking around the 50? range but I'm not positive, I haven't done this on a 7M. The timing isn't important though, this SHOULD show if the injectors have a solid signal.
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