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Old 11-12-2012, 12:22 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 7
consol1 is on a distinguished road
Default New 1994 Twin Turbo Auto Trans, So Where to Start

I am looking for threads or advice from knowledgable members of this form. I just purchased 1994 twin turbo from it's original owner. I want to know what mods I should start with.

When it comes to projects this is not my first rodeo. There were some things I knew from the get go(due to my past project experiences).

First, I found a car that was completely stock and has always been serviced from a reputable toyota dealer. I have the complete history of the car and have confirmed it to be correct. Personally I never have enjoyed changing other peoples' personal project choices.

Second, I know the kind of role this car will play for me. A weekend driver! It should turn heads and make people go WOW sitting still or blazing by!!

Third, I know the mechanical role I want the car to produce.(the list is below)
1. As much WHP that can be produced on Supreme Fuel
2. As much WHP that is still useable and still dependable
3. Safe, dependable, fun, a throw your head back "Kick A Ride"!!!!
4. All the mods that make #1,#2, and #3 possible

So the problem is what is the mod list and the correct order of that mod list. I realize it will include systems that may not be related directly to the engine performance(breaks, suspension,electrical systems,etc)

Don't think about cost. I am not interested in money or cost here. I am interested in what works. In my experience people who chose a cheeper solution (because they are concerned about cost) are never truly satisfied nor does the solution work in the long run. That is not me.

I don't want people to advise me on what they have read or think would be cool. What they have seen in a mag or at a car show. I want to know from those who own, have done, and have learned what works... Please! You are the best source!!!!! You knowledge is the most valuable.

If you want to know anything about 1st Gen.Toyota 4runners, I am a guy that knows. I own 5 of them and have owned a total of 8. Built every one from the ground up. If you want to know about Cessna 172's 182's 210's 310's or Vans RV7, 8., 7A I am that guy also. I have owned, maintained and built many and still do. We all have our knowledge in different areas. I don't say this to brag but to give an example of who I want to answer this thread.

I realize there will be differing opinions and options. That is ok. I expect them and I am looking for them. I am capable of figuring out the one's that will work for me as long as people describe what they did, why they did it and what the results were.

If I have missed anything please ask. If you know of a thread that worked for you, please refer me to it. Thank you in advance for your knowledge, information, and experience.


Last edited by consol1; 11-12-2012 at 03:08 AM.
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