What a reply. Thanks for the time!!!!!!!

If I wasn't able to laugh at myself before our meeting... you have sure gave me a crash course. I am a type a personalty(go figure).
I know myself pretty well and one thing I am sure of is the kind of horse power that I will want in the end will not be the kind I can control at the beginning. But I am a quick study. That is why I jump so far ahead. There are some componets that would be foolish not to install from the get go. A perfect example is he ECU. Stand alone systems are more dependable then adding a chip or other programs in my opinion. Plus you can't run 2 maps on a stock system. The fuel system is another perfect example.
I want to have a machine that will run on 91 to 93 octane and higher octane race fuel (116 octane). The only way I know that can be done is with two different maps on one ECU. That is why I recommended two boost levels also. Map One lower octane, lower boost. Map Two high octane, higher boost
The reason I am being vague about WHP power is I do not know what the number is due to the two fuel octane choices.
I am grateful for your opinions, experience, time, and knowledge. I have asked for it and I hope I am showing you the respect you deserve(due to my request). The other thing that from my first email that may have been forgotten is one of my qualifiers, time is of the essence. I am not the typical project builder in this area. My time is what is valuable. That is why you see me push and plan fast. I have a limited amount of time research and to invest in my toy.
I myself will not be building this toy alone. So if you need more specifics, please give me the list one more time and I will do my best to follow your lead. Thanks for your patients.