Thread: Need 800 HP!
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Old 12-16-2012, 04:50 PM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Salinas
Posts: 3
Angelortiz is on a distinguished road

from where ive asked everyone says the ac most likely has to be removed but then again everyone is to shoked about seeying a supra around here in the firstplace.

1: Yeah originally a TT swapped out to single.
3: im not entirely sure i know it says garret ar 70 i can post a picture.
4:im running the highest fuel you can purchase in california at any local gas station racing fuel is not sold anywhere near here that i know.
5:yes i understand i want atleast 750rwhp
6:Well i want it for looks and to be fast i currently removed the back seat and installed 4 15" subwoofers, and a wide gt bodykit and wide deepdish rims. alsom i want no rubber tubbing i want all possibly polished finishing.

Agreed, i dont want to start my own trend as far as adding stuff to a supra that has not been approved nd tested on other supras i rather put domething that has worked for other supras

Yes i understand, i belive the previous owner put upgraded break pads i can post pics aswell and thank you for your safety concern.
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